Fire fighting Hazardous substances

Tackling industrial fires

In this training module our experienced team considers the basic techniques of tackling industrial fires using extinguishing agents and the right deployment tactics. We provide training at your site. For the practical modules we bring mobile drill units with us. The overriding learning outcomes of this seminar are the safe handling of foam and its deployment in various situations in tackling industrial fires. We also present various foaming agents from a range of manufacturers and explain the advantages and disadvantages of various products.

Four-stage training concept

Theoretical introduction

Practical drills:

  • Gas and liquid fires under pressure
  • Use of water, powder, foam
  • Extensive fires
  • Cylinder fires with gas under pressure
  • 3D extinguishing technique and tactics
  • Handling of and training with fog nozzles
  • Presentation of leakages in pipes, flanging, valves and pumps with and without fire

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