Fire fighting

Tackling ship fires

A ship fire presents a complex deployment situation when countless lives, material goods and the environment are threatened. In this case, the relevant fire services need to keep a clear head and proceed efficiently to have any control over the damage location. Modern, effective accident management at sea is indispensable in any training, in order to be optimally equipped for possible extreme cases.

Theoretical introduction:

  • Basic knowledge of different ship designs
  • Overview of various transport loads
  • Knowledge of crew structures
  • Knowledge of available rescue equipment options available on board ships
  • Basic knowledge of rules and regulations

Practical drills:

  • Sea familiarisation drills
  • Saving people from the water
  • Salvaging a boat that is unable to manoeuvre
  • Tackling ship fires
  • Tackle fires in ship living quarters
  • Fires in deep stowage areas
  • Fires in engine rooms and storage rooms
  • Fires on tankers
  • Application of oil binding agents and installing oil booms on water surfaces 
  • Hazards on approach
  • Hazards from marsh gas formation and oxygen deficiency

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